Dazzling Dudes! 15 Majestic White Rooster Breeds

Brown and White Roster on Concrete Surface

Keeping domesticated chickens can be enjoyable and fulfilling, most especially when you can rear different breeds of these birds. White roosters are highly preferred, and prized for the beauty of their feathers. In this article, you’ll explore 15 White Rooster Breeds, highlighting their unique characteristics and features to help you decide which might be the best fit for your flock.

1. Leghorn

Phoenix rooster with big white feathers and red comb standing on bird perch near building with birds in cages in daytime


Leghorns are certainly one of the most famous white rooster breeds. These birds are commonly raised for commercial and backyard purposes due to their exceptional egg-laying ability. Leghorns have their origin in Italy and are characterized by high levels of activity, low body weight, and high alertness of the species.


  • Egg Production: Excellent, almost daily layers of white eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 6.5 lbs.
  • Temperament: Active, flighty, not particularly cuddly.
  • Suitability: Ideal for commercial egg production and backyard flocks.

2. White Plymouth Rock

Rooster Wandering


White Plymouth Rocks are classified as both meat and egg producers and are characterized by their friendly disposition as well as high output. These birds have their origin in the United States where they are raised for both meat and egg production.


  • Egg Production: Good layers of large brown eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 9.5 lbs.
  • Temperament: Calm, friendly, great for beginners and families.
  • Cold Hardiness: Relatively cold-hardy.

3. Ancona

White Rooster on Green Grass


The Anconas are alert and playful birds with a distinct crest on the head and red or blue facial appendages. These birds originated from Italy and are very good foragers which will make your flock full of energy.


  • Egg Production: Decent layers of white or light-tinted eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 6 lbs.
  • Temperament: Lively, curious, good foragers.
  • Appearance: Single rose comb and wattles.

4. White Wyandotte

Rooster in Black and White


White Wyandotte is a beautiful and attractive breed of poultry, which is famous for its docility besides being an all-round bird. Developed in the United States they are very popular among people who keep birds in backyards.


  • Egg Production: Good layers of large brown eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can weigh up to 8.5 lbs.
  • Temperament: Gentle, calm, good for families.
  • Dual-Purpose: Excellent for both meat and egg production.

5. Dorking

Person Feeding White Chicken Outdoor


Dorkings are an ancient English breed with a rich history. These are large, calm birds, which are appreciated for the good quality of meat and also available in white color.


  • Egg Production: Not prolific, laying white or cream-colored eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 11 lbs.
  • Temperament: Docile, calm.
  • Meat Quality: Exceptional.

6. Polish

Close up of Polish Hen


Polish chickens boast of having a magnificent crest of feathers making them one of the most beautiful breeds. These birds are from Poland and are available in a stunning white color.


  • Egg Production: Not highly productive, laying small white eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can weigh up to 8 lbs.
  • Temperament: Docile, friendly, relatively cold-hardy.
  • Appearance: Unique crest of feathers.

7. White Holland

Close-up Shot of a White Rooster


White Hollands are docile and sociable birds, which have been domesticated primarily for meat and egg production. These chickens have their origin in the United States and are reputed to be very robust.


  • Egg Production: Good layers of large white eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 10 lbs.
  • Temperament: Calm, friendly, and good for foraging.
  • Adaptability: Hardy and adaptable to various environments.

8. Araucana

Man in White T-shirt Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench Looking at the Sea


These birds are also interesting, they have ear tufts and lay blue-green eggs. These lively and inquisitive birds, native to Chile, are sure to be a special attraction to any group of birds.


  • Egg Production: Moderate layers of turquoise eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 4.5 lbs.
  • Temperament: Active, curious, docile.
  • Appearance: Unique ear tufts.

9. Minorca

Four Assorted-color Roosters


Minorca chickens are graceful and famous for large single comb and black ear tufts. Hailing from Spain, these birds are playful and are great to add to any collection of birds.


  • Egg Production: Decent layers of white or cream-colored eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can weigh up to 8 lbs.
  • Temperament: Active, sometimes flighty.
  • Appearance: Large single comb, black earlobes.

10. Hamburg

Selective Focus Photography of Rooster's Head


Hamburg chickens are active and alert birds that are available in a variety of colors including white. These birds are native to Germany and are popular due to their energetic demeanor and striking looks.


  • Egg Production: Moderate layers of white eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 7 lbs.
  • Temperament: Lively, active.
  • Appearance: Rose comb and pea comb variations.

11. Lakenvelder

Close-up Photo of White and Black Chicken on Tarmac


Lakenvelders are a beautiful dual-purpose breed known for their striking black and white plumage. Originating from Germany and the Netherlands, these birds also come in a rare all-white variety.


  • Egg Production: Good layers of white eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 7 lbs.
  • Temperament: Docile, calm.
  • Appearance: Unique black and white pattern in standard variety.

12. White Jersey Giant

Rooster with White Feathers


White Jersey Giants are one of the largest chicken breeds, considered to be of calm temperament. These birds have their roots in the United States and are widely used because of their duality in purpose.


  • Egg Production: Excellent layers of brown eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 15 lbs.
  • Temperament: Gentle, calm.
  • Appearance: Large and imposing, yet friendly.

13. Silkie

Photograph of a Silkie Chicken


Silkies are among the most unique and fancy chicken breeds, they are referred to as silkies because their feathers are soft and fluffy as silk. These are birds from China and are found in different colors among them being the white color.


  • Egg Production: Not prolific, laying small eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 4 lbs.
  • Temperament: Docile, friendly.
  • Appearance: Fluffy, silky feathers.

14. Dutch Bantam

Photo of Chicken on Grass


Dutch Bantams are real Bantam chickens which are small varieties of large standard chickens or fowls. These birds have originated from the Netherlands and are available in a magnificent white color.


  • Egg Production: Prolific layers for their size, laying cream-colored eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters typically weigh around 15 ounces.
  • Temperament: Friendly, hardy.
  • Suitability: Great for families with limited space.

15. Barnevelder

White Rooster Standing on the Crossbar of the Hen House


Compared to some other white breeds, Barnevelders are not very popular, however, they are available in this stunning white color. These birds have their origin in the Netherlands and are famous for their docility and moderate egg-laying capacity.


  • Egg Production: Reasonable layers of light-brown eggs.
  • Weight: Roosters can reach up to 7 lbs.
  • Temperament: Docile, active.
  • Appearance: Unique foraging skills and calm nature.

Read Also: Can Chickens Eat Banana Peels?

Final Words

Selecting the right breed of white roosters to join your flock can significantly improve your poultry farming experience. It therefore goes without saying that if youā€™re in search of a white rooster breed for egg production, calm dispositions, or beauty queens, thereā€™s a breed for each. However, it is advisable to go through this manual in order to understand the various features of different breeds to choose the ones that will complement the flock in terms of beauty as well as productivity.

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